10 July 2012

Studi Banding Pansus RUU Desa Ke Brazil dan Cina = Mubazir!

Oleh : Arya Hadi Dharmawan

Harian Kompas edisi 09.07.2012 halaman 4 memuat berita tentang Pansus RUU Desa DPR RI yang sebagian pergi ke China dan sebagian lain akan ke Brazil serta yang lain memilih tak pergi ke luar negeri. Menanggapi keputusan mereka yang pergi ke China dan Brazil ini, aku lalu menulis pesan ke grup BBM yang di dalamnya ada beberapa teman anggota DPR yang kukenal baik. Begini kira-kira redaksi isi BBM-ku [diedit].  

Kawan-kawanku anggota DPR RI [Pansus RUU Desa] yang baik...

Mengapa Pansus RUU Desa DPR harus studi banding ke China dan Brazil kawan-kawan? Bukankah semua orang paham, bahwa struktur sosial, etika moral dan ideologi, serta budaya masyarakat desa di China/Brazil berbeda total dengan desa2 kita. Belum lagi soal landscape dan setting ekologi sebagai pembentuk "kesatuan masyarakat hukum" desa di Amerika Latin dan China, jelas berbeda 100% dengan Indonesia. Lalu apa yang hendak kalian pelajari buat desa kita? adakah manfaatnya?

03 July 2012

Working Papers : On Social and Economic Spheres

On Social and Economic Spheres
An Observation of the “gantangan” Indonesian tradition

Hokky Situngkir
Dept. Computational Sociology
Bandung Fe Institute

Yanu Endar Prasetyo
Centre for Appropriate Technology Development
Indonesian Institute of Sciences

Indonesian traditional villagers have a tradition for the sake of their own social and economic security named “nyumbang”. There are wide variations of the traditions across the archipelago, and we revisit an observation to one in Subang, West Java, Indonesia. The paper discusses and employs the evolutionary game theoretic insights to see the process of “gantangan”, of the intertwining social cohesion and economic expectation of the participation within the traditional activities. The current development of the “gantangan” traditionis approached and generalized to propose a view between the economic and social sphere surrounding modern people. The interaction between social and economic sphere might be seen as a kind of Lokta-Volterra’s predator-prey-like interaction, where both are conflicting yet in a great necessity one another for the sustainability of the social life. While some explanationsdue to the current development of “gantangan” is drawn, some aspects related to traditional viewscomplying the modern life with social and economic expectations is outlined.

Keywords: social and economic sphere, traditional village ecology, evolutionary game theory, social security.

Download Full Papers Please Click Here 


Film Pendek Perdana Filmaker (Penulis + Kine club) Subang 

Judul : Kekasih 
cast :
Sally "esage" / Sally Aryanti
Deniar Sinatria / Deniar Perm
Akel / Akel Hasanudin

cerita/Sutradara : Oke Rosgana
edit : Oke Rosgana
Music : EMOTION by tritonas01

Kamera: Ikhlas Fajar Pratama Irawan
Produser: Yanu Endar PrasetyoTita Irama
Crew: Rakhmad Hidayattulloh Permana, Lilis, Dyan Rizky, Buce Bakti Firmanto, Deden HanafiChizka SlaluCetia

terima kasih untuk semua yang telah mendukung :)