10 February 2021

QR Report 2021: Dynamic Risk Perception and Behavior in Response to COVID-19

The frequencies and magnitudes of hazards and associated risks in modern society can be exacerbated by globalization and environmental change at local, regional, and global levels. Risk perception and related behavior constitute a fundamental theme in risk analysis. Despite the inherent dynamic nature of risk events, the temporal dimension of risk perception and behavior has been understudied in the current risk science literature. Longitudinal research design is largely lacking in this field as previous studies mostly used cross-sectional data. Infectious disease outbreaks provide a key setting for analyzing changing perception of and response to natural or human-induced hazards. In this study, we examine dynamic risk perception and behavior in response to the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in four major U.S. cities (Seattle, Los Angeles, Chicago, and New York City). The main objectives of this research are: (1) to assess temporal changes in major dimensions of perceived COVID-19 risk and behavioral response; (2) to explore the dynamic relationship between risk perception and behavior in response to COVID-19; and (3) to analyze key factors influencing temporal changes in COVID-19 risk perception. We collected timely data on residents’ perceptions and actions related to the COVID-19 outbreak through a series of three online surveys. The analysis of panel survey data revealed significant temporal changes in different dimensions of COVID-19 risk perceptions (perceived likelihood of infection, perceived harmfulness if infected, and level of anxiety) and preventive actions. Cross-lagged path models exhibited positive correlations between risk perceptions and preventive actions in each study phase, and varied across-time relationships between individual dimensions of risk perception and actions. Further regression analysis also showed that level of preventive actions had a negative effect on subsequent changes in all three risk perception indicators. These findings can inform further development of conceptual approaches to the interactions between risk perception and behavioral responses, and have important implications for both health risk management and future research directions.

19 December 2020

MU International Engagement Award 2020

The MU International Engagement Awards recognize the outstanding work of faculty, staff and students to internationalize the University of Missouri. The following recipients were selected for 2020 by the Council on International Initiatives based on meaningful and sustained commitments to international work, whether directly on campus or brought back to the campus from an engagement abroad.

Yanu Prasetyo is a Ph.D. candidate studying rural sociology at MU. His dissertation focuses on the impacts of Walmart closures in rural Missouri, and he has published two research articles in international scientific journals. During his first year at Mizzou, he founded the IndoBIG Network, an activist and research network in Indonesia that advocates for universal basic income as a solution to alleviate extreme poverty. Since spring 2017, he has been involved with the Deaton Scholars Program, which empowers MU students to address global poverty through collaborative problem solving. Prasetyo volunteered as a photographer and videographer for the program before serving on its Student Advisory Board and then as a program leader. Prasetyo is also an active member of the Indonesian Student Association at Mizzou, helping to organize events and fundraising activities in the wake of the 2018 earthquake in Palu. According to one recommender, “Yanu clearly utilizes his natural talents, great intellect and the maturity of his career experiences in Indonesia to the benefit of both Mizzou and Columbia.”

For more information click here

Perceptions and Behaviors in Response to COVID-19

The United States has been affected by an extensive novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak since March 2020. On March 9, 2020 we started an online survey of people’s perceptions and behaviors related to this issue in Missouri and adjacent states (Kansas, Iowa, Illinois, and Arkansas). The survey was ended on June 9, 2020 and in total 7,392 surveys were completed. In order to assess how attitudes and behaviors related to COVID-19 may change over time, two follow-up surveys were conducted with those respondents who indicated interest in the re-surveys and provided an email address. These two working reports summarize major results of the initial survey and three survey waves, including respondents’ perceived severity of the COVID-19 outbreak, sources of information, knowledge about COVID-19, perceptions of COVID-19 risk, satisfaction with management entities, and preventive actions. 

The full summary reports are available here: https://mospace.umsystem.edu/xmlui/handle/10355/79261

06 November 2020

Graduate Student Spotlight

There is much to learn about poverty. The poor are not a static group and economic insecurity can suddenly push millions of us into poverty at some point during our lives. Poverty is associated with many negative aspects of living. It increases health risks, lower lifetime earnings, decreases mobility, weakens families and communities, and even threatens our democracy and costs our future. For this reason, poverty reduction should not become a political issue driven by political ideology or other misguided policies that have limited the poor from having opportunities to improve their lives. I believe that no one is secure until everyone is secure.

Full article: CAFNR Research Digest

11 September 2020

Basic Income di Era Pandemi COVID-19

Dalam buku terbarunya, Battling Eight Giants: Basic Income Now (2020) Prof. Guy Standing berpendapat bahwa Universal Basic Income (UBI) itu penting karena alasan etika dan moral. UBI memang sering didengungkan sebagai kebijakan untuk mengurangi kemiskinan dan ketimpangan ekonomi. Namun lebih dari itu, misi UBI tak lain adalah untuk mewujudkan keadilan sosial bagi seluruh rakyat. Kekayaan dan kesejahteraan yang kita nikmati hari ini, sebenarnya adalah hasil jerih payah generasi yang datang sebelum kita. Kita menerimanya sebagai warisan sosial. Banyak sumber daya – yang berasal dari alam atau sosial – diwariskan secara turun temurun selama berabad-abad. Sayangnya, dalam perjalanan sejarah manusia, telah terjadi penjarahan terorganisir dan besar-besaran terhadap “the commons” milik bersama tersebut oleh segelintir kelompok (sebut saja para oligrakhi/penguasa/pengusaha/elit yang memiliki akses terbesar atas sumber daya itu). Mereka yang telah menikmati untung besar dari penjarahan ini secara moral wajib untuk memberikan kompensasi kepada rakyat jelata (the commoners) atas kerugian sosial, ekonomi, dan lingkungan yang dihasilkan dari setiap aktivitas ekonomi mereka. Karena kita semua pada dasarnya adalah the commoners itu sendiri, maka kompensasi harus dibayarkan kepada semua, sama rata dan tanpa syarat. Dorongan etis kedua adalah, berapa pun jumlahnya, penghasilan dasar atau UBI akan meningkatkan kebebasan pribadi dan masyarakat. UBI akan memperkuat kemampuan orang untuk mengatakan ‘tidak’ kepada majikan yang eksploitatif atau menindas dan untuk menghentikan hubungan sosial atau kontrak kerja yang merugikan. Inilah yang sering disebut sebagai ”republican freedom”, yaitu kemampuan individu untuk membuat keputusan tanpa harus meminta izin dari orang-orang yang duduk di posisi kekuasaan. Ketika UBI dibayarkan sama kepada semua individu, manfaatnya juga bersifat sosial karena mampu meningkatkan hubungan intra-keluarga, kohesi komunitas, dan solidaritas nasional. Secara ringkas, menurut Guy Standing, UBI dianggap mampu mengobati setidaknya delapan (8) penyakit kronis yang selama ini dianggap menghambat terwujudnya Good Society: inequality, insecurity, debt, stress, precarity, automation, populism, and extinction (ecological crisis).

Unduh working paper ini selengkapnya disini

03 May 2020

Jaminan Penghasilan Dasar Untuk Semua

Jaminan Penghasilan Dasar Untuk Semua atau Universal Basic Income (UBI) menjadi topik hangat yang diperbincangkan di dunia internasional saat ini. Ada dua hal yang mendorong ketertarikan para pemimpin dunia maupun para ahli terhadap konsep ini. Pertama, kemajuan teknologi – seperti artificial intelligence (AI) – yang diprediksi akan menggantikan pekerjaan rutin, manual, dan bahkan kognitif manusia dalam waktu yang tidak lama lagi. Kedua, munculnya krisis ekonomi akibat pandemi Covid-19 yang tiba-tiba mengancam sendi-sendi kehidupan ekonomi maupun sosial seluruh bangsa dan negara tanpa kecuali. Bahkan negara-negara besar seperti Amerika Serikat, China, Italia, termasuk negara-negara Eropa lainnya pun kewahalan dalam mencari solusi menghadapi pandemi ini. Melonjaknya angka pengangguran akibat teknologi dan pandemi ini, tentu saja memperdalam tingkat keparahan kemiskinan yang sebelumnya sudah cukup berat. Oleh karena itu, setiap negara sedang mencari solusi terbaik untuk meredam dampak dua hal tersebut. UBI kemudian muncul menjadi alternatif di tengah-tengah kepanikan ini. Amerika Serikat, Jepang, Hong Kong, Kanada, Korea Selatan dan negara-negara lain bahkan sudah dan sedang mengadopsi kebijakan ini. Sebelum mengupas lebih dekat perkembangan terbaru dalam implementasi UBI ini, ada baiknya kita melihat kembali eksperimen-eksperimen yang pernah ada sebelumnya. Dalam dua Working Paper Series ini (No 1 & 2), IndoBIG Network akan membedah dua pokok tersebut, dimulai dari pengertian UBI dan pro kontra yang mengikutinya, lalu dilanjutkan dengan eksperimen-eksperiman Basic Income yang pernah ada (No 1) dan perkembangan terkini penerapan UBI tersebut di tengah pandemic Covid 19 (No 2). 

Unduh publikasi di sini: Jaminan Penghasilan Dasar Untuk Semua

26 September 2019

Vocational Rehabilitation (VR): Mendampingi Penyandang Disabilitas Kembali ke Dunia Kerja

Oleh: Yanu Endar Prasetyo

Tyler Bare (27) mungkin tidak pernah menyangka bahwa kini ia bisa bekerja layaknya orang sehat. Ia memiliki pekerjaan yang sangat bagus sebagai seorang akuntan di Kantor Pendapatan Daerah di Springfield, salah satu kota kecil di negara bagian Missouri, Amerika Serikat. Karier cemerlang sebagai akuntan ini sebelumnya sempat terkubur ketika pada Mei 2009 yang lalu, ia dinyatakan mengalami gangguan tulang belakang (spinal cord injury) oleh dokter yang mengharuskannya duduk di kursi roda untuk waktu yang tidak pasti. Kemungkinan untuk selamanya. Saat itu ia baru saja duduk di bangku akhir sekolah menengah atas. Tak terbayangkan betapa frustasi, terpukul, dan tertekannya jiwa seorang anak muda yang harus menyandang predikat sebagai penyandang disabilitas pada usia yang masih sangat belia.

Beruntung ia akhirnya mendapatkan bantuan rehabilitasi dari Springfield North Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Office. Ia pun mendaftar dari sekolahnya dan berkesempatan untuk mendapatkan program pendampingan dalam bentuk layanan transisi dan perencanaan karier. Program ini bertujuan untuk menjembatani dan mengarahkan potensi penyandang disabilitas yang masih duduk di SMA agar siap menempuh pendidikan lanjutan ke perguruan tinggi, atau masuk dunia kerja. Ia pun mendapatkan bantuan dari program VR dalam bentuk uang pendidikan, uang buku, dan biaya- biaya penunjang lainnya untuk melanjutkan kuliah di Ozarks Technical Community College (OTC) dan kemudian transfer ke program akuntansi di Missouri State University (MSU).

06 June 2019

Free Download: Seeing the Forest for the Trees

Seeing the Forest for the Trees: A Bibliometric Analysis of Environmental and Resource Sociology

Hua Qin, Yanu Prasetyo, Martha Bass, Christine Sanders, Elizabeth Prentice & Quyen Nguyen

Division of Applied Social Sciences, University of Missouri–Columbia, Columbia, MO, USA

To cite this article: Hua Qin, Yanu Prasetyo, Martha Bass, Christine Sanders, Elizabeth Prentice & Quyen Nguyen (2019): Seeing the Forest for the Trees: A Bibliometric Analysis of Environmental and Resource Sociology, Society & Natural Resources, DOI: 10.1080/08941920.2019.1620900. To link to this article: https://doi.org/10.1080/08941920.2019.1620900


Environmental sociology and the sociology of natural resources have become two established research areas in the United States with distinct institutional origins, research themes, and theoretical roots, as well as associated professional networks, journals, and conferences. Existing discussions of the relationships between the two subdisciplines are largely based on personal reflections and exploratory analyses. However, there is still not a clear understanding of the overall picture of interdisciplinary sociological research on human–nature interactions. In this study we conduct a comprehensive bibliometric analysis of 8027 articles published in 30 selected academic journals during 1985–2017. Findings of this research provide a more complete view of the intellectual landscape of environmental and resource sociology. Overall, the study produces an empirically-based characterization of environmental sociology and the sociology of natural resources in terms of coauthorship and citation networks, and highlights the need for more sustained synthesis across different knowledge domains.

Received 13 December 2018
Accepted 3 May 2019

Bibliometrics; citation networks; collaboration relations; environmental sociology; keyword cooccurrence; sociology of knowledge; sociology of natural resources

Click Here: Tandofline
or send a request to my email: yanuprasetyo85@gmail.com/yepw33@mail.missouri.edu

22 March 2019

A Jobless Future: Why We Need A Universal Basic Income

By: Yanu Prasetyo

The world when robots replace the human force is not only happening in Hollywood movies. It’s getting more and more real.

On Sept. 17, 2018, Amazon launched its fourth cashierless store in Chicago called Amazon Go. On the same year, another store with similar technology, JD.ID X-Mart also opened up in Pantai Indah Kapuk in North Jakarta. Unlike Amazon Go, which is US-based, the store in Jakarta belongs to a retail company based in Beijing, China.

This kind of stores use Artificial Intelligence (AI), Face Recognition, and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) to operate their systems. Although we can identify them right now, it is only a matter of time until other supermarkets start adopting this technology to replace human labors. 

20 February 2019


Oleh: Yanu Prasetyo

Saya masih ingat, buku pertama yang saya beli langsung di Amerika adalah buku si kakek ini. “Our Revolution” judulnya. Waktu itu tahun 2016. Tepat sebelum pemilu. Saat khalayak ramai memperbincangkan Hillary dan Trump, saya justru lebih tertarik untuk mengenal lebih jauh sosok ini. Bukan hanya pandangannya yang anti-mainstream, namun juga pesan-pesan dan pidatonya yang demikian memikat. Khususnya bagi kawula muda Amerika. Unik, kan? capres berumur tapi mayoritas pendukungnya kawula muda. Ya, dia adalah Bernie Sanders. Senator dari Vermont yang dua tahun lalu melaju di konvensi capres Demokrat namun di detik terakhir harus rela “tersingkir” dan memberikan dukungannya kepada Hillary.

17 February 2019

New York vs. Amazon: Menyoal Subsidi Pemerintah Pada Korporasi

Oleh: Yanu Prasetyo

Kamis lalu (15/2), akhirnya Amazon, perusahaan mega-raksasa itu, membatalkan rencananya membangun kantor barunya di Long Island, New York. Pembatalan dilakukan setelah para aktivis, warga, dan politisi lokal setempat menolak pembangunan kantor baru tersebut. Alasannya masuk akal, secara ekonomi New York tidak membutuhkan Amazon. Perhitungan mereka, kehadiran Amazon tidak akan menyerap tenaga kerja yang signifikan. Ditambah, mereka menolak keras rencana pemerintah setempat yang akan memberikan subsidi (keringanan) pada perusahaan raksasa itu.

11 February 2019

Deklarasi Capres (AS)

Oleh: Yanu Prasetyo

Salah satu hobi saya belakangan adalah menonton dan mendengarkan deklarasi capres. Capres di Amerika tentunya. Baru saja, beberapa jam lalu saya usai menonton deklarasi salah satu kandidat dari Partai Demokrat, Amy Klobuchar. Senator dari Minnesota. Deklarasinya unik. Bahkan luar biasa. Ditengah guyuran salju tebal yang terbayang dinginnya pasti melebihi Missouri. Missouri yang berada ditengah-tengah kontinen saja demikian ekstrem. Apalagi Minnesota yang ada di Utara. Sama sekali nggak kebayang bekunya. Benar-benar militan capres dan pendukung yang satu ini!

01 February 2019

The Social Theory of Money

Revisiting Karl Marx’s and Georg Simmel’s Perspectives on Money and Society

Yanu Prasetyo

There are various ways to approach the history of money. Generally, some scholars would start with primitive money, then the first use of coinage, banking, credit and gold or silver standards, and finally on to inconvertible money and plastic money (Furnham & Michael Argyle, 1998:13). In the psychoanalytic literature, they begin with the premise that money has emotional meaning that varies from person to person according of life experience. The meaning of money is in dynamic flux and evolving over time (Hallowell & Grace, 1991:15). Unlike psychology, anthropology has long been interested and concerned in the economic aspects of social relations, including barter, the market, distribution of goods and wealth, ownership, and property. Anthropologists look at money which is used in reciprocal and redistributive transactions regarding personal roles and social context of what occurs.